Nila Yatra is hosted by Travellers' University in the spirit of exploring the various roles a river plays in nurturing life forms. Every river is an ecosystem in itself and along with the varied biodiversity, it has rich stories of culture and history to tell. And let us celebrate that!
Often, we are limited to viewing the rivers just as a source of water and fish stock or a source of energy. We as well tend to forget that the existence of life is dependent on the river. That humans, both as individuals and communities are dependent on the river.
We invite you to explore the human-river interconnectedness through Nila Yatra in Central Kerala from November 11 to 18, 2023. River Nila or Bharathappuzha as it is commonly known, is the second longest river that flows through Kerala and can be considered one of the lifelines of Kerala's cultural map.
Join us to explore the plural aspects of the river, alivelihoods that the river supports, the local folk arts, dance and music associated, and to establish your connection with the river, the very conveyor of life.
During the course of the yatra, we will be meeting, interacting and staying with communities whose livelihoods are directly connected to the river, such as pottery, weaving, shadow puppetry, grass-mat weaving, bell-metal craft, fishing, etc. and also engage with communities involved in the conservation of the riverine ecosystem.
The contribution for participation is on a sliding scale of Rs. 16,000/- to Rs. 20,000/- for those aged 13 years and above. It means that Rs. 16,000/- covers the food, travel, accommodation and facilitation costs during the 8 days of yatra and contribution to the artisans. Any contribution above this amount supports the curation and documentation of the knowledge assimilated during the yatra. Rs. 8000/- is the basic contribution for children aged 5 to 12 years. No charges for children below 5 years of age.