
The 52 Parindey Fellowship is a programme for youth exploring Alivelihoods, meaningful and regenerative livelihoods oriented towards social and ecological wellbeing, and dreaming of a sustainable, equitable and just world.
7 individuals, stayed with and learned from 51 parindeys, documented 51 stories, over 100 days of travel each. Diverse in terms of backgrounds but united in terms of beliefs, values and the passion to travel. This was a journey set out by curious minds to understand and explore the domains of their interest. Each fellow identified an area of interest and wished to understand that interest better through the fellowship. The quest was to look for people, Parindeys who were experts in the said fields, people who have knowledge and experience in those fields and people who felt alive doing the work they do. Each one set out to learn and live with their Parindeys as they experienced life and work at their place of visit. Having first hand work experience, documenting the stories of the Parindeys, managing finance, and at the same time keeping in mind conscious, sustainable, and minimalist living was the intention.
As the journey progressed and the travel happened across the country, each fellow's ability to understand, adapt, and learn from different environments grew stronger. The experience of learning from diverse cultures, varied Parindeys on the same domain lead to the fellows forming better opinions for themselves. When they reflected upon the travel after the 100 days they could look back and identify the learnings, the ups and downs and how they have grown as a person. The space and people they met on this journey was the biggest source of inspiration where they learnt humility, abundance, coexistence, contextualisation, importance of being local and much more. The discovery of their own selves and understanding who they are as a person lead them to learn better from others. The journey helped each fellow understand better about what they liked, what they liked to pursue and what kind of work helped them feel more alive as well. Today after years of the pandemic that restricted our movement many realise the need to travel but here were a group of people who supported each other in their learning journeys and grew together to gain more knowledge, clarity and the best of all to have become better human beings.
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Anil Uppalapati
Amal Dev M
Gayatri Pardeshi
Ridhima Agarwal
Saumya John
Sneharsi Dasgupta