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Aishwarya Phadke
The Cycle Yatra experience
Ever since starting Travel Dirty, I believe I have been pushing the boundaries of the concept of comfort zone through minimalist, ...

Prachi Mittal
Swapathgami Cycle Yatra 2020 - 7 days of Romance with Nature & Life
This is a long due story which I have been meaning to write about one of the most romantic weeks of my life. Romance means a feeling of...

Mahima Thakur
Swaraj Yatra Reflections
Life is a journey and we are all travelling in time and space. Yet, when one gets out for work each day it is commute. When one visits a...

Travellers' University
Swapathgami Cycle Yatra 2018
Written by Janhavi Palande| Yatri | Swapathgami Cycle Yatra 2018

Mahima Thakur
Nila Yatra: An immersive journey into the life and culture around an endangered river called Nila
From the start of time society have derived their culture, tradition and practices from nature. Nature is what sustains and regenerates...

Navnee Bagaawat
Reflections from Nila Yatra: Exploring interconnections, conflicts and new ways of experienc(see)ing
Nila yatra, even though undertaken on motor vehicles, was all about slowing down in a world that is increasingly putting an impetus on...

Travellers' University
Ecoversities Yatra in South of India
Our group of 24 arrived at Nav Gurukul energized by a spontaneous half an hour of intense dancing in the bus. As we gathered in front of...
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